Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jan is making progress on the stripe fabric

This week I received a sample of Jan's work in the mail. it is not final form yet, but she asked for my input on a couple of the threads/yarns and I also got a chance to hold a sample in my hands. Thrilling. I have also attached a series of pictures that show where the fabric will be used in the car. Seats, door panels, and a pouch on the back side of the front bench seat. In the pictures the bottom of the bench seats are blue because I had to cover them due to damage/disintegration. In reality they are the stripe fabric, just like the seat-backs.

HET Forum Thread:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wildrick Restoration Web Site

I have had the pleasure of working with Doug Wildrick of Wildrick Restoration on his website, . I really think I have made a positive difference and hope to continue to help him in the future. I also hope to be able to encourage a few other Hudson folks to create simple sites, for the benifit of the community.

Hudson Forum Thread about

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This is Awesome,

I just got these images from the weaver I have been working with. She has been working on research, threads,  and weave; here are the results. I hope to have my hands on samples with in the month. It is nice to have something going right.