Monday, March 29, 2010

Back at it

My last day at IBM is the 31st, and I am actually quite optimistic about the future. I will get some severance, I have a 5 month contract job lined up, and I have a few prospects for full time work in WI. With permission from my wife (I think she is taking pity on me) I am moving forward with mechanical work on the Hudson. Brakes, exhaust manifold gasket leak, and electronic ignition are on the lists. Dual exhaust is just off the list and I hope to somehow get it on. Also on hold is the interior work. Technically the interior is not on hold, but my upholsterer believes he has a line on true matching fabric, and it is taking a very long time to validate that and get it rolling.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Bump in the Road

I find myself in the unenviable position of being part of an IBM resource action (layoffs) so; I am seeking a new job and the Hudson is on hold. I have a BS in Computer Science and a Masters in Business in addition to nearly a decade of work experience ranging from technical consulting, education, program management, and relationship management. You can learn more details about me here

If you are aware of any opportunities, please let me know.

Michael J. Sandberg